Coin-Driven Facilities

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You can add Custom Items for Farm Town's 'coin-driven' facilities, to help you stagger their production.

For example, suppose you have seven Oil Pumps. Each oil pump produces two barrels of crude oil every six hours. Each pump has a maximum capacity of 56 barrels, so it takes (28 X 6) 168 hours or 8 FT days and 8 hours to put out the capacity. Adding a Custom Item of 'Oil Pump Max' with a growth time of '8 days, 8 hours' makes it easy to stagger the production of the seven pumps so that you will get 56 barrels a day.

This technique can be used for any of the coin-driven facilities. Here are some sample Custom Items:

(Thanks to Dale P and Gladys M-L for this tip.)

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