How To Time Quests

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Create Some Custom Items

Click on Farm Report's Manage Custom Items button, to bring up the Manage Custom Items dialog

After Collecting Farm Cash

This will start the timer for the new quest week.  You want to know exactly when the FT Collect button will light up again, so have Farm Report open and ready to go.  Seconds are not as crucial here, but you don't want to be to far off a full week.

After Completing Quest and Collecting Coins

It will now be exactly 7 days to the second until the new quest drops off your FT time line.

This will start the timer for the new quest. You could even start the Farm Report timer right before you complete the last step of the previous quest and collect your coins.  This way, your Farm Report timer will be a few seconds earlier than the actual end of the 7 days.  The couple seconds it will take you to get to Farm Report and start the timer after you complete the last step will make a difference, seconds count!!!


You do not have to collect the FC right away just because the FT button to collect farm cash turns blue!  It will stay blue until you collect, so if your first quest drops off, keep working to get the next quests done and get them on your time line.  Timing the 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th quests will let you see how much time you have to get another quest done before they drop off.  As long as you don't collect the FC, and you don't drop below 3 quests on your time line, the button will stay blue and you can still collect the 2FC if you get 8, so keep trying!!!

(Thanks to Deb O for this tip.)

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