Current user: upgrade Farm Report

Please see the Version History for changes in the new version.
  1. Exit Farm Report (click on the Exit button on the toolbar, and click Yes to confirm that you really want to exit).
  2. Download the latest version of Farm Report.

    The download might take a few minutes to complete.  Your browser will let you know when it has finished the download.

  3. Save the file (Farm Report.jar, ) to wherever you saved the previous version of the .jar file.
  4. (Linux only) Mark the file Farm Report.jar as "executable"
    1. Open Terminal
    2. chmod +x "Farm Report.jar"
  5. To run the program, double-click your saved copy of Farm Report.jar.

New user: install Farm Report  

  1. Download the latest version of Farm Report.

    The download might take a few minutes to complete.  Your browser will let you know when it has finished the download.

  2. Save the file (Farm Report.jar, ) on your desktop, or anywhere else you like.
  3. (Linux only) Mark the file Farm Report.jar as "executable"
    1. Open Terminal
    2. chmod +x "Farm Report.jar"
  4. To run the program, double-click your saved copy of Farm Report.jar. (If this doesn't work, please see the Troubleshooting section of the User's Guide.)


Revised: 12/06/2014